Darts, anyone?
Well, our game room/library is starting to take shape nicely. Although Jase spent all day Saturday refinishing our side gate, he found a tiny bit of energy to also hang up our new dartboard cabinet. We bought this on sale last week and I've been dying to play with it since Jase gave me a new set of darts uniquely designed just for me last week--isn't he the BEST husband ever?!
So, now we actually have one game in our "game" room---yeah! Darts, anyone?
Slip-n-Slide--remember those?

These slip-n-slides have really improved since my day! Now they include an intertube to slide on, water features shooting out the sides, and a waterfall at the end with fountains cascading everywhere. A pretty amazing thing that you simply plug your hose into in the backyard--cool. It starts to get pretty warm here in May, so this was our first outdoor water activity of the summer. As you can see, the kids had a blast! Our grass is still recovering, however...
Mommy's Lil' Helper
Mommy's Day
Mother's Days are always unique at our home :) Jonah started it off right by making me a surprise "treasure hunt". He gave me clues and at each clue location I found a toy that we could both play with together. It was the cutest thing! The boys also both made me crowns at church that I got to wear home and for the rest of the day I was treated like a queen---literally! I finally had to tell Jonah he didn't have to keep bowing down to me anymore every time I passed. My Mother's Day gift was a movie ("The Five People You Meet In Heaven"--highly recommend) and some floating bookshelves we saw in a contemporary art museum in Scottsdale. We finally got to clean up our books laying around in the living room since we moved in---which is a huge deal for a neat freak organizer like myself. THANK-YOU FAMILY! I LOVE YOU!
Photo Montages Were Never So Easy!
I just found out about this awesome website named www.animoto.com wherein you can create unlimited 30 second videos with photos, music, the works! So, basically I'm out of a job as a montage creator :( It's really cool. I made a quick sample for you guys to check out. I love it!
Happy Mother's Day
I dedicate this flower to all of the mothers that mean so much to our family. The other day Jonah walked in from outside, after playing with a friend, and gave me a little handful of picked flowers --- nothing fancy, he just wanted to make me happy. "Here Mom, these are just for you!" Of course, I promptly put them in a prominent position in my kitchen and display them proudly. I'm sure he'll never know how much that little gesture meant to me or that I'll always remember that he spent an extra few minutes thinking of just me just because.
Likewise, as Mother's Day draws closer, we'd like to thank some pretty spectacular women that we have had the privilege of knowing in our life for always having done so many "little things" for us. We hold thousands of meaningful little gestures, glances, laughs, selfless acts, hugs, counsel, and shared emotions within our hearts and would like to express gratitude for all of them, from the bottom of ours.
Well, if he looks miserable it's probably because he IS! Our little boy took a tumble the other day while racing a neighborhood kid on his bike---foot missed the pedal and it was all history. I guess we each have our stories about bike accidents, learning the hard way to wear a helmet, etc., etc. Don't worry, he has been plenty pampered and we're gradually nursing him back to health :) So, the good news is: He will survive!
Garden Cam Cont'd
More Cuteness
Washcloth Ritual
It's now becoming a ritual that Asher and Jonah will "request" a damp washcloth ("wah-ah") in order to fall asleep :) They love to play "run" or tag before bed and tend to get hot and sweaty, so I think it helps cool them off a bit and relax. Who knows! But I just had to document this little quirk in our daily lives that I find absolutely adorable.
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