Is it Jason or Jason?
Well, this was Jase before he ran off to the office this morning (pre-Halloween Day). He worked from home Thursday and his co-workers decided to play a trick on him early and told him that Friday (today) was "Dress-Up Day" at the office--even though no one else would be dressed up. But his boss (and former high-school BFF) called and told him about the joke wherein they both decided to add a little twist to it---the CEO would give Jase a large sum of money for being so "festive"--thereby making the other co-workers insanely jealous.
Watch out! Jason's comin' IN to the office tOdAy! Hooo-hahahhaa........
Pre-Halloween Party
Tonight is our Ward's Trunk-or-Treat party at the Beals' home. It will be a good time full of games, pumpkin carving contests, yummy chili, candy, and-of course-costumes!!! Jason is going as, well, Jason; Jonah will be The Hulk (with a request for LOTS of green!); and Ashy will be Hercules this year (given to us free by family-whoo, hoo!). Above are some of our decorations we've saved over the years. Wish us luck carving our pumpkin---Jonah has requested a "vampire"!
Another Obsession
Jonah's latest book that I find him reading constantly is Eragon. It seems as though he is going to be a fantasy/sci-fi junky just like his daddy :*) You go--kiddo!
Our Favorite is Orbit
Preschool in October!
So, we're a little late getting started...but Ash joined Dysart Early Education Center for preschool officially this week (October 27th, 2009)! It is an integrated typical/special needs classroom with about 11 students, 1 teacher (Cassy Young), and 2 aides. Everyone seems really nice and supportive of all the kiddos at this place!! There was another little boy named Camden who started the same day as Ash, and is also non-verbal, so that was fun :) Ash has taken right to it and is settling into using a picture schedule like he's a pro. All the kids are so adorable!
I wasn't really planning on putting Ash in preschool this year, but it has been really difficult keeping enough good, trained hab workers coming to the home to fill all of his hours every week. I had a good team (finally), but then 2 of them left (moved and decided to stay home more with her daughter) and I was compelled to find something more concrete to help Ashy. He really seems to enjoy it at the school--especially the playground and the picture schedule.
Another "to-do" item checked off!
Ok, so this isn't that much of a big deal...but I had to share. We FINALLY applied some film (which had been sitting in our office for months!) to our front door windows. Now we actually have privacy! Yeah!!
Our "Immunizations"
For those of you who are interested, I found a website that echos my sentiments exactly ( . There, Robyn Openshaw offers a wealth of information (via articles, YouTube videos, books, recipes, etc.) on new ways to get "greens" into your daily diet via Green Smoothies. I have to admit, I'm a little addicted to them myself and am currently forcing them upon my entire family until they agree with me :*) For further reading, I also recommend "The Original Fast Foods" (LDS author promoting "Daniel's Diet") and "Green For Life" by Victoria Boutenko (the original Green Smoothie Girl).
Happy Drinking!!!
My Champions
Well, last weekend was supposed to be my very first karate tournament held in Palm Springs, CA. In reality, I got sick with a crazy cough and it became a Daddy-Son event. Nevertheless, I am proud (very proud) to announce that Jonah received a gold medal for participation for a Regional Championship match in both Kata and Weapons (bow staff), the latter of which he had only learned 3 weeks prior. And Jase earned two 2nd place trophies in both Kata and Kumate (sparring). I wish I could have been there to witness it in person--way to go guys! Ash and I are SO proud of you both!!!!
On another note, if you're wondering why Jonah has a HUGE bandage on his forehead...wonder no more. A few weeks ago, we noticed a blister-like thing on his forehead and had it removed. The dermatologist did a biopsy and it turned out to be an irregular mole. When the biopsy was done, they didn't remove all of the irregular cells from his skin so I took him to a specialist (plastic surgeon) this morning to have all the cells completely removed. For the next 3 weeks we have to keep a wet/dry bandage on his forehead, ripping it off to make it bleed twice a day. We experienced the first of these joyous occurrances this evening and, let me tell you, it was not fun. But nothing Motrin and chocolate can't smooth out :) Once the skin has healed initially, it will take about a year for it to turn from pink to white. But Jonah was such a trooper and has been wearing his most brave face all day today.
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