Just before Christmas break, I decided that I wanted to go back to homeschooling Jonah. I homeschooled him through all of 1st grade, but with Asher's everchanging schedule I wondered if a charter school could do a better job than I could----Answer? No way! Even though I got him into the BEST charter school in all of Surprise, with a pretty amazing teacher, the academics were awful really behind where we had started in 1st grade--and he was in an excelling math and reading group! Quite a few classmates continually showed disobedient behavior, no recognition of authority figures, and an unwillingness to follow simple rules and Jonah was around that day in and day out--it started to show. Also, Jonah and Asher never had time to see each other or spend time playing, as they had last year. I thought I would have more time to attend autism conferences, help out with hab, or just get housework done...but between the scheduling, running Jonah to school and picking him up, running Ash around, volunteering at Jonah's school so that I'd know what he was learning about, double-checking his homework, karate, etc., etc. I ended up with LESS time for myself!
I know it's only been a week, but already I've seen drastic changes both in our family and in Jonah. There has been a sort of peace that has settled on our relationship and our schedule in general. Although we still drive Asher somewhere nearly every day, the hustle and bustle has disappeared. Jonah now has time to his own morning devotional each day...whether it's reading an article from the Friend (an LDS magazine for kids) or doing a Bible lesson (CLE)...our schedule is totally our own. I've also never felt closer to Jonah than I do when I'm homeschooling him. He is constantly asking for "cuddle time" or asking me to read him a story...whereas before I hardly saw him, had to militantly force him to finish homework in time (hurry, hurry, you'll miss karate!), and then was tucking him into bed. That hardly gives a child the "parent time" that they so need and crave. Further, I KNOW what my child is learning, how much of it he is learning, and how quickly. There is no homework to check up on and we're usually done with his whole school day by noon.
I'm reading a book right now entitled "Boys Should Be Boys" by Meg Meeker. She was on a radio talk show and I was so impressed by her thoughts that I ended up buying the book from Amazon.com. I'm only half-way through it, but so far I've loved how she helps you see your children (particularly sons) in a new light and, particularly, what they need most. To summarize it up....they need "you", time with you, love from you, affection from you, attention from you. Just YOU! That is what I love about homeschooling. He can have all the time he needs. I just need to be willing to give it........I love you kiddo!