On May 28th, Jase and Jonah tested (again :) for their next belt rank and they both PASSED! They're now officially blue belts!! They'd been orange belts for around 9 months and worked very hard to achieve their next rank. I watched their hour-long ordeal, but they survived and we all got Coldstone ice-cream afterwards -- yum! Way to go guys!
Jonah is my big 10 year-old now and literally eating everything in sight! He also still enjoys "a good book" and always runs to grab one before he'll sit down for a meal. He is currently attending Odyssey Charter in his 4th grade year and loves learning new things!
He currently adores football and is getting better at throwing one each day. He loves to read his football book and then quiz me on stats or share new jokes he's learned with anyone who will listen. He's especially good at creating new Thomas the Train track configurations for his little brother. He's also obsessed with earning as much "chore chart" money that he can. I'm going to have to start setting a serious limit!
asher jason
Ash is 6 now and more adorable than ever! He's still obsessed about outdoor time and LOVES to ride his scooter (while balancing on one leg like a flamingo). He's also taken to reading like a natural and he often carries around his current favorite book with him throughout the house.
He loves being read to, jumping on our mini-tramp, following Jonah around, going to the library, playing coolmath4kids.com, riding his scooter, and throwing balls. He's such a sweetheart and brings joy to all around him.