Here Jonah is teaching his best friend, Logan, to play the piano too; Jonah showing his latest art creation...can you guess? That's right, a snake!; and Ashy got his face painted at Montessori Preschool by his hab worker, Claudia. When I went to pick him up that day, he and his fave girly friend, Abby (age 21/2, really cute!), both had faces painted and were giggling like mad! Just had to share :)
Good Times
Here Jonah is teaching his best friend, Logan, to play the piano too; Jonah showing his latest art creation...can you guess? That's right, a snake!; and Ashy got his face painted at Montessori Preschool by his hab worker, Claudia. When I went to pick him up that day, he and his fave girly friend, Abby (age 21/2, really cute!), both had faces painted and were giggling like mad! Just had to share :)