Jase and I had a Christmas Eve right out of a movie! It was so cliche it was funny! After we finished festivities at Shane's we finally got the kids into bed and began work on the present of all presents---Asher's full table train set. This thing was HUGE and had a million pieces and it took us most of the night to finally put it together.
When Bryon and Denae finally went to bed (they were quick!) all they could do was smile and wish us luck. We finally, through incredible teamwork, dedication and lots of sugar, got it together and never were there two more proud parents. You'd have thought we'd brought another child into the world. We were so happy! Well, not as happy as Asher was to see it the next morning. He went straight to it and never left. We finally had to convince him to open the rest of his gifts late Christmas afternoon...which he did reluctantly.