Cancellation Days
So normally on a Friday morning we'd be rushing out the door at 9am to drive an hour for Asher to see his Occupational Therapist in downtown Phoenix. We'd stay there for another hour--doing homeschooling in the car--at which point we'd drive for an hour to get home and drop Ash off at Montessori for his habilitation. But instead...we spent a relaxing morning at Surprise's library and park. Amazingly, I was able to sit under a tree and watch the kids play (on their own!) peacefully while practicing my yoga breathing :) After the kids wore themselves out (45 minutes) they quietly came over to me, had a snack, and we all proceeded to walk over to the library (with Ashy waving "bye-bye" to the park and saying "EIIII!" as loud as he could :) We spent another hour at the library picking out books/DVDs for the new week and came home to have a wonderful lunch together. Then Ash went down easily for his nap and I actually had time to blog! Ok...HOLD ON! I in another dimension or something? Days like this rarely happen...but it's so nice to have them once in a while and realize---I'm truly blessed.