I decided to be brave and take Ashy along with just me and Jonah. It was in the evening and I figured the food would keep them entertained. Well, this picture is the only one I got because I was constantly scrambling to find Jonah ("I told you to stay in the hall!") and comforting him when he didn't, last minute, want to perform with other 3rd graders in singing on stage ("I don't know those songs Mom!"). Sigh. But we did it and attempted to participate as best we could. Ash had a great time pigging out on everything, but didn't really want to do the crafts. Jonah tried to get stamps in his passport, except he lost his not once, not twice, but three times within a half-hour period. If I sound a tad annoyed it's because I was. But we still, somehow, had a good time and made it out of there untrampled :*) Yeah for Candeo! Are we done yet??