Since 4-23-10 was Jonah's last day at Candeo, and he's been homeschooling since then, the boys have really become a lot closer. They eat together, sleep together, read together, and play together. I know this seems like a typical thing--and not a big deal--but it really is. Until Asher started receiving treatment by Dr. Radoff, he never wanted to play with Jonah. He'd walk around furniture, stare at shadows on the wall, and keep to himself most of the time. Now, he's says, "Nonah, pway wih me pweeze" all the time and it's music to our ears. The other day I saw them both curled up in the family room reading intently together. They also LOVE jumping on our mini-tramp or BOSU ball onto the huge LUV sac we have. It's their favorite past-time. I love that they love each other.