Baptism Day

Jonah was baptized last Saturday, the 28th, 2009 at 11:15am. We were grateful to have so many family members there to share this event with us--grandparents along with uncles, aunts and cousins from the Elsberry family. THANK-YOU for all of your love and support. Jonah was quiet and pensive during the event...but let his pent-up energy out afterwards while we took family pictures. He loves chasing his cousins around and planting "kisses" on all the girls :) Asher did well during the ceremony and got down on the floor to watch Jonah in the baptismal font. He loudly declared "Da-Der! (water)" excitedly and giggled during the event--it was so cute!

Afterwards, everyone came back to our place for a delicious B-B-Q luncheon (made possible by Jase and all the grandparents pitching in--thanks again!). It was so nice to spend time with everyone and catch-up. Overall, everything went smoothly and we had an amazing time.
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Jonah's 8th!!!

Well, as this weekend is winding to a close, I finally get a second to sit down and reflect. My first born son is now 8--wow. That's huge! It was quite the whirlwind the whole week... preparing for family coming in, birthday shopping, cleaning (always wait till the last minute--why?!), ballgames with Papa, picking up grandparents from the airport, throwing a party for 8 kids grateful the 30 didn't come that were invited, coordinating a baptism, cooking for 15 after the baptism----like I said, whirlwind.

But it's all good because at the end of the day my son is still 8, baptized, and knew that he was loved by many. I hope he'll never forget it! I know we won't. I made a photo montage (below) to celebrate his birthday. Enjoy!
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jonah's photo shoot

recently i was reminded of just how expensive it is to get your picture taken. so, i decided to do it myself :) jonah was very patient with me and let me dress him all up, drive him over to the park, and proceed to take about many pictures of him in various poses. so---i thought i'd share the results with you all. isn't he C-U-T-E?!
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