"Mall Park"

While in Arizona we enjoyed eating our smoothie and oatmeals at Jamba Juice before spending Tuesday the 20th at the Paradise Valley mall. We enjoyed walking around, looking at all the Christmas displays, watching the train tote kiddos and families to and fro, and finally playing at what Ash called the "mall park." He was explorative, engaging, and the most social I've ever seen him! We stayed there for nearly 2 hours while he ran around and followed others lead while also starting games on his own. Kids seem drawn to him at times and followed him around to get to play with him. He even started a game where he'd act like he was falling down the slide and other kids had to pull him back up. Then he'd fall "off the cliff" and go rolling around making dead noises. It was hilarious! That was one of my favorite Christmas gifts...seeing Ash accomplish something I thought impossible a few years ago. God is good.
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