So, we're a little late getting started...but Ash joined Dysart Early Education Center for preschool officially this week (October 27th, 2009)! It is an integrated typical/special needs classroom with about 11 students, 1 teacher (Cassy Young), and 2 aides. Everyone seems really nice and supportive of all the kiddos at this place!! There was another little boy named Camden who started the same day as Ash, and is also non-verbal, so that was fun :) Ash has taken right to it and is settling into using a picture schedule like he's a pro. All the kids are so adorable!
I wasn't really planning on putting Ash in preschool this year, but it has been really difficult keeping enough good, trained hab workers coming to the home to fill all of his hours every week. I had a good team (finally), but then 2 of them left (moved and decided to stay home more with her daughter) and I was compelled to find something more concrete to help Ashy. He really seems to enjoy it at the school--especially the playground and the picture schedule.