We have a tradition that we always visit a local cemetery to pay our respects on Memorial Day and Veteran's Day holidays. But this year I wanted to do a bit more. So I printed off a Holiday Helper packet from Living Books Curriculum on Memorial Day and Jonah and I went through it the week before Memorial Day. It talked about everything from the history of the holiday, the actual General Order #11, the story of Taps, poetry, picture study, and even had a craft of making your own Memorial Day Poppies--which we did--out of pencils! If you'd ever like to check it out, you can visit www.livingbookscurriculum.com for more information.
Anyway, once we got to the cemetery we realized the ground was way too hard to put the pencils poppies into it, it was like 110 deg. outside, and Asher thought it was funny to walk on all of the graves! That cute picture above of Ash against the tree is really him in time-out :*) But we made it through, paid out respects, and hopefully taught the kids a thing or two about how amazing our country is and how it became so--through the sacrifices of brave men and women throughout time. We love you Emeka!